California & World Wide Success
California & World Wide Success
We offer Initial INDIVIDUAL Business Success/Entrepreneur programs from $347.00 to $697.00 to $1397.00. a month
We also offer "ETI Specialty Business Consultant" training/license programs for you to become a successful Business Consultant ... from $4900.00 for a "Specialty Consultant" 150 page workbook with your branding, and a year of training and support.
Business Blueprint For Success:
Nine different "Business Mastery" Courses with 125-150 page book-workbook [$49.00 each] ... with 9 different four week individual training courses [$899.50 each four weeks] ... and over 30 unique eight week Business Mastery Courses of individual training from $1995.00 - each eight weeks, materials, individual video calls & video classes!
Shawn Jackson - Business Owner 40 years - Business Consultant 33 years - Business Attorney 27 years
Learn More About Shawn Jackson - EMAIL
CONTACT US to schedule your FREE Initial consultation via video call or telephone call. We provide Virtual Business Success Entrepreneur Services throughout the United States [soon to be the World] via Video Calls, emails, document sharing and Telephone Calls.
Looking for a Great Business Attorney
"Shawn provided critical advice on the operating agreement for my new business. Three things stood out; 1. Balance of legal and business advice. His experience on the business side sets him apart from my attorneys. 2. Responsiveness. He reviewed the fast-changing revisions quickly. 3. His video conferencing meetings are as convenient as a phone call with the added communication elements of an office meeting. If you want a skilled attorney and business advisor to help you get started, call Shawn Jackson. "K.S.
CONTACT US for a Free Chapter and Free Attendance to a Live "Business Success" Video Class
Engage GROUP Classes at $148.88 a month with purchase of Book/Workbook [$49.00] Weekly Video Classes
To Increase Success
Order any of the Initial NINE "Business Mastery" Books - Workbooks.
We Offer Weekly Group Classes & Programs starting at only $99.88 for 4 weeks of Live Video Classes.
We will work with you in applying our 120 Business Success/Entrepreneur modules with over 30 workbooks and weekly live video calls to help you reach higher levels of success ... and enjoy life, family & friends!
CHECK OUT just a few ... of the hundreds ... of our Video & Live Training Courses at ...
Business Consultants & Training Courses
We are committed to providing services in a sustainable/green process to help heal our planet by reducing carbon emissions by working "virtually" [Video Calls] with all of our clients.
Learn More Here ... we would like to have a video call/telephone call with you to Engage in ETI "Specialty Business Success Training" … about working with the Entrepreneur Training Institute. Contact Us
Strategic Thinking is the Foundation of Business Success. As we read in the last chapter, your willingness and ability to see “opportunities” in the world around you is just the first step in developing more business success.
The basic definition of “Strategic Thinking” is the process of searching for a solution to the issue or problem at hand… or the unusual perspective – something that is different – and the ability to set normal or common assumptions aside… to make room for new ways of looking and responding to the world around you.
Strategic thinkers intentionally look at things from different perspectives and resist the comfort in “one decision dictates future decisions”; it is often more “process” than “linear”. Strategic thinking creates clarity out of complex …develops new perspectives on the problems at hand and creates “connections” between elements that appear to not be connected. business consulting business plan
Get Started with Ordering a BOOK ... Only $49.00 Each.
What Our Clients Say. Being an entrepreneur is about not needing to be in the office. We will help you get command of your time to achieve financial freedom! business consulting entrepreneur services business center.
Starting a new business or developing an existing business can be a challenging undertaking. The owners of any new or expanding business need to begin with the business model and a careful review of the liabilities, costs and time requirements that must be addressed. Before starting any new business or developing an existing business, the owners/founders must develop an economically sustainable “business model” to see if success is even possible.
With the business model supporting further examination and development, then the owners, along with their trusted advisers, will need to develop one of four types of business plans… [1] The “finance acquisition” business plan… [2] The “management” business plan… [3] The “strategic” business plan and [4] The “entrepreneurial” business plan. Proper research and careful planning will be two of the many “foundation stones” to help ensure business success.
“Financial Freedom” is where you do not have any concerns or worries about money in your life. This “freedom” can occur regardless of the actual amount involved. Financial freedom is the state of having sufficient income and assets to live the life you want, without having to actively work to maintain the lifestyle of your choice.
Individuals who call themselves “financial free” have cash, residual income or other assets that generate sufficient revenue to pay for the operating costs of their desired lifestyle. I have worked with clients from most parts of the world… and the “amounts involved” in achieving such “Financial Freedom” have varied from $35,000.00 a year to needing well over $7,780,000 a year in residual income.
Looking for A Great Consultant
Our Founder and originating author has over 40 years of business entrepreneur success... over 33 years as a business consultant and over 27 years as a California Business Development Attorney. He leads a team of business professionals for your success with business consulting, entrepreneur services in the virtual business center
With over 120 Business Success and Entrepreneur modules and over 30 specially developed "business success" workbooks [134-152 pages each] along with our experienced and expert business consultant team, we have what you need and want for you to achieve higher levels of success. CONTACT US
In addition to our individual business development strategies, workbooks and services, we offer a large variety of networking events, via live online video calls, where you get to meet and engage other business entrepreneurs to network, interact and help develop your next level of business success skills. Our Success Team is here to Help You!
About the Author:
Shawn R. Jackson, ESQ.
Business Law Attorney – Business Development Consultant
Creator & Founder – Business Blueprint For Success
His experience includes consulting and transactional business development both in private practice and with various State & Community Agencies. His private practice includes business development and compliance issues for general corporations, close corporations and Limited Liability Companies. He has assisted hundreds of clients on legal formation, business compliance and business structure, success-systems development, strategic business growth …and both National & International negotiations for business compliance & expansion.
Incorporation, Startups including “C” Corps, “S” Corps & LLC’s
Business Transaction Law, Intellectual Property, Contracts
Commercial Leases, Business Negotiations, Landlord-Tenant
Buy-Sell Agreements, Mergers, Licenses, Royalty Agreements
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Mediation, Arbitration, Settlement
Business Development Law, Business Models, Business Plans
He has developed successful businesses for over 30 years with in-depth experience in the manufacturing, retail and service industries. He is an astute, results-oriented leader with proven success in managing business teams and achieving profitability within 90 days of the commencement of the venture.
Owned Wholesale/Retail/Manufacturing Businesses since 1973.
Developed Successful Business Teams Nationally & Internationally
Sales Training & Business Development for National Manufacturers
Valuable Contributor to the Business Communities
Mr. Jackson formulates and executes sales strategies, business plans, and marketing programs that are responsive to a rapidly-changing market. His efforts have focused on market expansion campaigns, product launches and target m market penetration. He has extensive expertise in sales development … and presentation of complex programs, products and solutions.
Written, Designed and Implemented multiple Business Plans
Instructor (Contracts, Business Organizations & Negotiation)
Designed/Implemented multiple Systemic/Strategic Marketing Plans.
Worked with Multiple Vendors for Nationwide Expansion.
National/International Business Contract Development & Negotiation
Creator & Founder of the Business Blueprint For Success program
Mr. Jackson has a demonstrated history of sound judgment and effective decision-making abilities with a distinction for managing high-level negotiations among senior management teams … and achieving mutual and workable solutions to complex problems and achieving development of profitable business ventures.
Negotiated multiple Licensor/Licensee Contracts in the United States
Negotiated Contracts Principals in South Africa, United Kingdom.
Hong Kong, Beijing, Belgium, Canada, United Arab Emirates
Negotiated Intellectual Property Agreements with national companies
He consistently receives the highest marks from students and fellow instructors. He provides a dynamic and interactive class with substantial class participation. Mr. Jackson understands that students will absorb and apply more education when they can see it, hear it, feel it and speak it. He also understands that education is, in part, entertainment, so humor is an important part of teaching.
Business Development Training (multiple week courses)
Workshop Instructor “Today’s Business Law”, “Negotiation Strategies for Success”, “Choosing your Legal Entity”
Business Development Trainer; teaching entrepreneurs for success
About “Business Development”
Starting a new business or developing an existing business can be a challenging undertaking. The owners of any new or expanding business need to begin with the business model and a careful review of the liabilities, costs and time requirements that must be addressed. Before starting any new business or developing an existing business, the owners/founders must develop an economically sustainable “business model” to see if success is even possible. With the business model supporting further examination and development, then the owners, along with their trusted advisors, will need to develop one of four types of business plans… [1] The “finance acquisition” business plan… [2] The “management” business plan… [3] The “strategic” business plan and [4] The “entrepreneurial” business plan. Proper research and careful planning will be two of the many “foundation stones” to help insure business success.
When considering the company's business model and selected business plan, the owners will want the answers to, at least, the below five questions:
1. What are the four “foundation stones” of the selected target market… i.e. … demographics, psychographics, cultural-graphics and temporal-graphics… that help define who your customers/clients are and/or will be.
2. What are the “benefits” of your products and services… and how they provide solutions to your customers/client’s issues, problems & needs?
3. Who are the company’s competitors? What are the trends in growth within the overall industry? What cultural/financial elements drive the competitive, financial and technological environment within the target market?
4. What will be the systems, strategies, tactics, schedules and costs that will be necessary to reach the target market customers… along with the necessary pricing, position and placement of both marketing messages & delivery?
5. How will the company develop and communicate “why” customers should trust them… believe that the product or service the company offers for sale is unique … and what are the articulated “benefits” of the products and services.
How to Get the Most Benefits from this Book…actually a “Work Book”
Each of the 13 Business Development Lesson Plans is in FOUR SECTIONS:
1. The First Section of each lesson plan is the EXCLUSIVE Business Blueprint For Success “Information/Narrative” that offers you a NEW way of looking at your business… new business concepts for your business practices & expanding the success of your business. Each of the 13 business development modules has been developed and updated over the last 21 years; be sure to check for “updates”.
2. The Second Section of the “13” lesson plans is “Applying What You Have Learned”from the “information/narrative” to YOUR SPECIFIC INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS…so that you can obtain immediate insights and results for your business and for your new business ideas. As you apply “What You Have Learned”, the real benefits for you and your business will exponentially grow.
3. The Third Section of each lesson plan is “Going Deeper” where we provide additional EXCLUSIVE Business Success insights, homework, research & additional application protocols to improve, expand and develop your business into greater levels of success. As you might imagine, “going deeper” into these various business develop modules allows you to geometrically amplify the important information in developing greater success for your business. “Going Deeper” is added value for increasing your strategic thinking and business development concepts to create more business income and life success for you and your family.
4. The Fourth Section of each of the “13” lesson plans is “Creating Your Individual “Business Blueprint for Success” where we provide the opportunity for you to combine the “Information/Narrative”…and “Applying What you have Learned” …and the “Going Deeper” onto two pages so that you have a SUMMARY of your individual, custom developed, “Business Blueprint For Success”. This is the most important section of each business development lesson plans…this is where you write YOUR BUSINESS BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS… moving closer to achieving your goals & income that you deserve.
You will also notice that this Business Development Book provides a variety of “Tests” for you to examine “How Business Smart are You?” These “Business Smart” tests and multiple choice or essay tests will allow you to test how much you have learned to solve your business problems in provocative and creative ways.
LEADERSHIP “Business Development Modules & Lesson Plans”
From “Leadership” to “Plans”
How “Business Smart” Are You: Can you help Ruby Christmas? Page: 10
“Stretch Your Business Mind” Questions: Page: 13
1. Leadership: The ability to attract & organize others to achieve a specific result
Integrity, Credibility, Commitment Page: 14
2. I You We: The Three Perspectives of Operating a Business
Responsibility, Delegation, Teamwork Page: 22
3. Ideas:Keeping your mind fresh and your eyes on the horizon.
Recognition, Creativity, Practicality Page: 30
4. Rule of Three: The Triangulation of energies and focus to achieve Success
Triangulation, Options, Default Positions Page: 38
5. Success: The benefits and results of a successful life
Joy, Peace & Harmony Page: 46
6. Vision: What does the business look like when you call it successful?
Operations, Detail, Embrace Page: 54
How “Business Smart” Are You: Can you Help “Joe Slick”? Page: 62
“Stretch Your Business Mind” Questions: Page: 65
7. Focus: The sequences of “intent” Page: 66
Importance, Relevance, Impact
8. Mission: What customers/clients perceive and want from your business
Customers, Benefits, Allegiance Page: 74
9. Initial Goals: The first set of goals for your business S.M.A.R.T.
Importance, Achievement, Results Page: 82
10. Attitude: The Entrepreneurial “point of view” that creates Business Success
Now, Service, Grace Page: 90
11. Skills:Characteristics, Attributes & Talents of business ownership/leadership
Competence, Excellence, Results Page: 98
12. Model:Determining the economic viability of your business
Customer, Exchange, Pro Forma Page: 106
“Sample Business Models” Page: 114
13. Plans:Understanding the Structure of a Business Plan
Goals, Strategies, Tactics Page: 118
How “Business Smart” Are You: Can You help Mr. BP Oil Slick? Page: 126
“Stretch Your Business Mind” Questions: Page: 129
Table of Contents for Volume One, Volume Two, Volume Three: Page: 130
“Hi Shawn, I just wanted to give you an update and say THANK YOU! I just looked at our financial intake for last month, we made more money than we've ever made in a month! I can't thank you enough for all of your wisdom and help but most of all your support. I was giving up on the business and now I feel excited, passionate and fulfilled about our business and especially about our future.” D.W.
“When I first came to him, I was feeling very stressed about how I could handle everything on my own. I did not know how to scale my business up in a sustainable way. Working with Shawn Jackson has been by far one of the best decisions that I have made for growing my business.” J.P.
“You have a depth of understanding for both business and human behavior beyond anything I have seen or worked with before. I can't thank you enough! PS we actually hit our target amount of money (when I did the FEO) stuff if the clinic was at full capacity. :) I can't wait to meet you in person one day so I can hug you!” Denise :)
“Shawn Jackson has been instrumental in focusing my attention on the areas most needed for the improvement of my business. His remarkable range of employable modalities gives him a distinct advantage in analysis of a challenge as well as finding the appropriate solution to that challenge. Those skills, combined with his natural drive towards implementation, makes Shawn Jackson a game changing resource for any business owner who is serious about increasing the value of their business, and ultimately, their life.” D.C.
“You are an Incredible Business Person! You help give me the Strength that I need to run my business. Thank You so much for your help! Dr. F
“Shawn is caring, honest and forthright. His wisdom and insights have not only saved us tons of money, they have helped us uncover previously untapped revenue streams in our business. I would recommend Shawn Jackson's services in a heartbeat.” MA
“The Business Blueprint for Success (BB4S) is the most comprehensive coaching program I have seen. Yet, Shawn is able to quickly and accurately discern where I was and where I am each time in my business and apply the appropriate module in simple, understandable bites that gets me excited and moving in the right direction. I find Shawn flexible enough to address pressing issues without losing sight of the big picture. Sometimes it's hard to tell what an alternative path would have looked like, but I think I would have given up on my business if I wasn't coaching with Shawn.” D.A.
“After starting the Business Blueprint for Success program, I feel more confident in my business because he is helping me build a strong foundation. Shawn is incredibly intelligent and insightful and has the ability to provide guidance, structure, critical feedback and reassurance all at the same time. He also has a wonderful sense of humor which I really appreciate!” J.P.
“Shawn Jackson is a super sharp individual. Not only does he have a variety of business experience and a clear knowledge of the law, but he has an uncanny way of looking at a situation from angles that most people would never consider. It is especially his ability that I believe gives him a unique intuition when it comes to problem solving. His ability to work with me the way I like to work makes me happy to have Shawn on my side.” Mickey G
“You are extremely knowledgeable, perceptive and gracious. You adjust and adapt quickly to meet whatever the current issue may be in my business/life. You never seem surprised by anything. I am also very grateful for your ability to encourage so powerfully.” O.A.
“Shawn Jackson has been incredible in helping lay the foundational components of my business. I am feeling more competent in managing other people and I am already seeing the results of the work we have done. My business is growing and I see my team owning their positions and taking more responsibility! Thank You for your dedication to my success!” Angelica
“Shawn, I can’t thank you enough for your time this morning. It was extremely helpful. I felt armed with confidence entering the tough conversation I had to have with my business partner. We ended up having a very civil and pleasant conversation and now clearly see the way to resolve our differences. I highly doubt it would have gone so well without our conversation this morning. Thank you again.” L.L.
“I would give Shawn a 10 +++ in every category... He is definitely one of the most high quality people that I have ever had the good fortune to know and to work with. He has made several quite problematic situations resolve for me in very effective and yet harmonious ways…with sincere appreciation for all that you do and all that you are…” D.D.
"Shawn does not miss a beat! My husband and I started with Shawn a few weeks ago and have already began to experience increased clarity and a deep sense of confidence around our business... Great Results, Personable, Expert" M.A.
“I wanted to say, you are OUTSTANDING! The way you articulate your conversations are exceptional! You do outperform your delivery every time we meet!” Dr. A.F.
“I would give you an A in each category. I found working with you to be very rewarding. You are a good listener and I found that your follow up questions back to me forced me to think about my situation in different ways and truly work toward the best solution for all…and I realized that I indeed need to make some improvements. I thank you for always being there to help. Thank you.” B.J
“Working with Shawn was a transformational business experience. My business literally doubled in size through his teaching and guidance, almost overnight. His clear desire to help business people achieve their business and personal dreams comes through in everything he does. His knowledge of business basics and how to organize a business for sleekness, maneuverability, astounding growth and personal satisfaction is unparalleled. His advice is simple and the tools he gave me were easy to integrate into any business situation. They are comprehensive and effective. With Shawn on my team I feel there is no limit to what I can achieve as a businessman. And he is fun to work with." E.F.
“Working with Shawn was a transformational business experience. My business literally doubled in size through his teaching and guidance, almost overnight. His clear desire to help business people achieve their business and personal dreams comes through in everything he does. His knowledge of business strategies/tactics and how to organize a business for sleekness, maneuverability, astounding growth and personal satisfaction is unparalleled. His advice is simple and the tools he gave me were easy to integrate into any business situation. They are comprehensive and effective."
"Our company has consistently relied on the invaluable experience and knowledge of Shawn Jackson to help grow our business. After working directly with Shawn, and all the custom modules that were built by Shawn and his team, I have a better understanding of how to insure a successful business. He is among the top professionals in the Bay Area community. Shawn is definitely in the upper echelon of Business Consulting, and you would be hard press to find anyone that has a more thorough understanding of what it takes to be a success!”.
“Hi Shawn, I just wanted to give you an update and say THANK YOU! I just looked at our financial intake for last month, we made more money than we've ever made in a month! I can't thank you enough for all of your wisdom and help but most of all your support. I was giving up on the business and now I feel excited, passionate and fulfilled about our business and especially about our future. The California Business Development Program is a great tool for anyone who is looking to grow their business. The topics are very well articulated and I find myself referring to this book often when I am struggling with something particular”.
959 Golf Course Drive, #300, Rohnert Park, CA 94928, USA
Monday - Friday: 7am - 4pm
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